Drawing in the Park
Introductory Workshop to Botanical Sketching
2024 November 2 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Society of Illustrators, New York
Workshop Highlights:
Introduction to Botanical Sketching: Discover the joy and benefits of sketching plants, both professionally and personally.
Techniques and Tools: Learn how to work with ink pens and cold-pressed paper, ideal for capturing fine botanical details.
Elements of a Sketch Page: Master the components of a well-composed page—balancing drawings, color, writing, shadows, and geometric details.
Composing a Page: Create harmonious and balanced pages while sketching from autumnal specimens.
After a brief studio introduction at the Society of Illustrators, we will walk to Central Park (a 10-15 minute walk, with additional walking throughout the park, so participants must be comfortable walking) to observe and draw autumnal flora.
past workshops
AUGUST 28, 29, 30
Three artists gathered in a three-day workshop to share their passion for botanical sketching.
Learning, telling and playing with nature through the pages of a sketchbook.
A unique event to approach or enrich one's knowledge of botanical drawing immersed in the nature of New York’s Catskill Mountain foothills.
With Wendy Hollender, Lara Gastinger and me to learn our techniques and fill a custom made sketchbook that will tell your experience of this beautiful event.
Botanical Art in France
Drawing and painting week in France
16 - 23 MARCH 2024
Cultivating Amazement – Join me in the Pyrénées, South West France for a week of Botanical Drawing and Botanical Watercolour Techniques. Throughout this workshop we will keep a sketchbook using the ink pen and watercolour technique. We will collect and sketch specimens of the local flora en plein air (as much as possible) testifying and recording our experience.
Morning sessions will be devoted to selecting specimens and drawing them in our sketchbooks. We will be in the park or in the studio. In the afternoon classes we will paint subjects as they have been approached in our sketchbooks, developing our personal choices and style and using the botanical watercolour technique.
The lessons will be in Italian and English.
During the course of the week we will explore various concepts to inform our illustrations and practice.
All details and information
Coltivare lo stupore – Unisciti a me nei Pirenei, nel sud-ovest della Francia, per una settimana di disegno botanico e tecniche di acquerello botanico. Durante questo workshop terremo uno sketchbook usando la tecnica della penna a inchiostro e dell'acquerello. Raccoglieremo e disegneremo esemplari della flora locale en plein air (per quanto possibile) testimoniando e registrando la nostra esperienza. Le sessioni mattutine saranno dedicate alla selezione degli esemplari e al loro disegno nei nostri taccuini all'aperto o in studio. Nelle lezioni pomeridiane dipingeremo la flora locale utilizzando la tecnica dell'acquerello. Le lezioni saranno in italiano e inglese. Durante il corso della settimana esploreremo vari concetti per approfondire e ispirare la nostra pratica.
Ma sarà anche una magnifica vacanza con deliziosi pasti e buon vino.
Tutti i dettagli e le informazioni su